AI Assisted Logistics

An AI driven app that optimises route planning, task allocation, and work schedules for drivers and planners in vehicle logistics. Including real-time route adjustments, as well as vehicle tracking.

Get in touch to see how we can help you.

Just Living Is Not Enough​

A platform offering tailored mental health support, activity tracking, and resources for individuals with physical and mental chronic illness.

Helping people to not just live but to thrive in their recovery.

Alergen info at your finger tips

A mobile app that collects and presents allergen and ingredient information from restraurant websites to users with food allergies or dietary restrictions.

Be in the know before you go

Blowing up the fine print

An app that analyses terms and conditions, contracts, and fine print to identify anomalies and highlight non-standard clauses compared to industry norms.

No more hidden clauses

Get started with us and see how we can benefit your business.